Assistant to Capital District Risk Manager Sought
by Mike Rind, Chair, Risk Management Committee
For twenty years, all Districts in the United States and
Canada have had a District Risk Manager. I have been honored
to hold that position since 2001. Risk Managers are appointed
by successive District Governors and trained annually by
Kiwanis International to ensure consistency throughout the
Districts. The person in this position is responsible for
learning and applying the contents of the General Liability
Risk Management Packets which are revised annually and forwarded
to all Club Secretaries. They are also charged with providing
information and training on this subject to Clubs, and dealing
with Clubs and Kiwanis International about situations involving
risk management issues.
Recently, Governor Tom initiated a review of all "Committees" throughout
the Capital District. As District Risk Manager, I reminded
Governor Tom that I was, in effect, a "Committee of One", and that a backup for this position might well be worth considering. The Governor
enthusiastically agreed.
I have no immediate plans to leave this position, but it
seems clear that the District would be best served if we
had a backup, someone with knowledge of insurance or negligence
and liability law, in case it became necessary that these
duties be performed by someone other than the incumbent,
whether on a short-term or long-term basis. The Risk Manager
position entails some travel, mainly for conducting training
and meeting with club and District leaders to provide assistance.
Presumably, a backup would learn many of these responsibilities
and be trained by the incumbent Risk Manager.
I would be happy to provide additional details at 410 294
9423 or Interested persons within the
District are welcome to supply written resumes to the above
email. They should indicate a willingness to serve, and a
background consistent with the requirements discussed above.