More Effective Club Communications: It's as Easy as 1-2-3
by Bill Butts, Capital Dist. Comm/PR Chair
Effective communications, PR and marketing practices have as much value for a non-profit and service organization like Kiwanis as they do for a for-profit group, company or corporation.
Clubs across the Capital District interested in generating more publicity and improving their club's communication practices can now turn to a new Communications & PR Template that has been developed to assist clubs in this regard.
Effective communications can help a club:
- Increase its ability to promote itself and its value to the community,
- develop its membership and grow as an organization,
- generate more favorable impressions to help Kiwanis stand out in the community,
- attract prospective new members
In addition, improved communications enhances the ability of your club to retain members because they will feel value in belonging to the club, and supports the general public being more aware and motivated to support the service projects and fundraisers sponsored by your club.
Step #1:
The new District Comm/PR Template is now posted on the District website. Go to the "Member Resources" section of the website and click on "Comm-PR-Mktg Template PDF.
Step #2:
We're looking for at "Contender Clubs" in every region that are interested and committed to improving their club's communication effectiveness.... That's right, we're are asking for volunteers to raise their hand that they will undertake to implement some of the practices outlined in the Template this year with the goal of getting better. Our goal is at least two clubs in each region (or better yet, at least one club in each Division), so let us hear from you today. Email us with your interest.
Step #3:
We're also looking for "Resource Clubs" in each Region/Division. These are clubs that are already enjoying a level of effectiveness with some of their comm/pr/mktg practices. We are asking these volunteers to be a resource to the Contender Clubs, to share experience
and insights and serve as a sounding board and mentor. Again, the goal is to identify at least two Resource Clubs per Region.
So, there you have it.... Building Your Club's Communications Effectiveness... As Easy as !-2-3!
The new Template is now posted on the District website. Go to the "Member Resources" section of the website and click on "Comm-PR-Mktg Template PDF. Or just click here!