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May 2011
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Special DCON Event: STOP Hunger Now

by Tim Meyer


The upcoming Capital District Kiwanis Convention is going to be a very special event in Williamsburg in August.  We have come up with a couple of ideas and wanted to lay a challenge out to all Divisions in the Capital District.


Stop Hunger Now is an international organization that helps in the elimination of hunger world-wide.  Here is the website www.stophungernow.org.   Our Hampton Roads region during our mid winter conference prepared and shipped over 10,000 meals.  You see each meal costs 25cents each.  We were able to raise over $3000 at the mid winter to help this great project.  Kiwanians actually filled and packaged these meals and got them ready for shipment.


Our challenge is this, we would like to have a work station set up at the District Convention in August.  Anyone that comes can make meals for this great project.  We would like to make over 50,000 meals during that weekend with the chance to make 100,000 meals depending on donations.


Division 23 would like to challenge your division and clubs to come up with $100 per club to help make the 100,000 meals a real possibility.  We would like to accept the donations between now and July 1st, we do not want to try and collect funds close to the convention because there are so many other expenses and donations during the convention.


Our goals is to provide a project at the convention that everyone can spend 15 or 20 minutes on while they are there and feel the power of this great project which helps so many.  By collecting funds now there will be no worry of funds at the convention and we can prepare and ship the number of meals that we have money for.


If you as a Kiwanis servant would pass this on to your clubs, I would really appreciate it.  I have personally made these meals and have felt the immense feeling of doing something that will impact others lives. If we actually hit the 100k meals we would have the opportunity to direct where the meals would be sent.


If you would like to send the donations to


Stop Hunger Now

c/o Tim Meyer, Lt Gov Division 23

229 Mill Stream Way

Williamsburg, VA 23185


I really appreciate your time and efforts.............please help us hit those 100k meals.  We will be showing those meal donations on our website  http://www.kiwaniscdc2011.com


Yours in Kiwanis Service




Timothy J. Meyer

Lt Governor

Division 23

Kiwanis Capital District

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2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA

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