Division 13 and 23 hold Annual Prayer Breakfast-Sandy Sammons Honored
by H.L. Marks, CDKF, Pres-Elect
On May 25th, Division's 13 and 23 held their Annual Prayer Breakfast where about a hundred of us, "Prayed for the Children of the World." The breakfast meeting was called to order by Jim Wool, LTG, Div. 13 and the welcome was performed by Esther Sheppard, President of the Kiwanis Club of Peninsula at Oyster Point.
Chuck Root, Past President of the Kiwanis Club of Peninsula at Oyster Point gave a talk on, "The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children." He spoke on their sexual exploitation, how to find missing children and assisting victims of child abduction. The NCMEC 24 hour hotline is: 800-THE-LOST.
We then had a moment of reflection on the passing of our Past Governor, Warren Kane, praying for God's love and strength for his wife Dale.
A 'Life Membership' from the "Capital District Kiwanis Foundation" was presented to a very surprised, Sandy Sammons, by CDKF, President-Elect, H.L. Marks. For years now, Sandy (right with H.L.Marks) has been donating all the Ducky Derby Certificate printing, for our annual Ducky Derby. The Foundation wanted to honor Sandy for her service to the Capital District and in turn for her support to the seven pediatric hospitals here in the CapDist. (photo by Suzi Edwards.)
The keynote speaker, Chaplain Lt Col (Ret) United States Army, Rev. Ronald Strong, gave a biblical recitation on the power of prayer. His talented wife, Shirley Strong, performed a moving solo.
It was an empowering morning of being with friends in prayer and good times.